[Nesta the Minister of Defense] Why Does Belly Fat Affect the Heart? ( Health )


Why Does Belly Fat Affect the Heart?

Your weight, and specifically the distribution of your weight, is an important indicator for potential health risks you may be exposing yourself to. If you are carrying around surplus weight at your midsection, you could be at a higher risk for certain health problems.

There are many factors involved in this vicious cycle and several reasons why abdominal fat can be particularly dangerous to your health.

Abdominal fat has a strong connection with heart disease. Increased fat stored in intra-abdominal deposits is associated with, and may cause, an increase in risk factors for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. Central obesity is one of several factors leading to heart disease.

Check out full article over here:- http://www.articlesadda.com/health/187-why-does-belly-fat-affect-the-heart.html

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